Tuesday 29 October 2013

11. 9 key screen shots from the music video Fascination by Alphabeat

Image 1: We get introduced to the two singers, there is a very simple black and white background. This is a good way to start the clip, as as we instantaly know who the video revolves around.

Image 2: We see an instrument used; this shows that it is not just lip syncing that can be joined in with the music video, but instruments can also be effective. Although in the clip you cannot hear the keyboard, it still adds to the effect. Like the first image, this is also a very simple black and white shot.

Image 3: In this top right hand clip we see a close up of the singer's face. Just by seeing this, we can tell straight away that the lip syncing has been done well which makes the clip so much more effective than if it was not. It shows that if well done it is fine, but if not, it can end up looking shabby.

Image 4: After that, a few seconds later we see one of our first coloured background images. This immediately helps lighten up the whole mood, and once again we see another instrument. This is diagetic sound, just after that shot we actually see the whole band.

Image 5: This image consists of men doing syncronised dancing to the music. This shows that the clip has an element of control and precision when it came to making it. As a viewer, I find it interesting to watch something other than just the singing.

Image 6: Though as a viewer, we are meant to think they are still in the same place singing the same song at the same time. I noticed that the main singer had changed his clothes to contrast with the background, this is asthetically pleasing to watch.

Image 7: Like a couple of clips before, we see dancing. This time it is girls; this evens out the male:female ratio in the video. It means that it provides something for all viewers, for example, young female dancers idolising the women in the video. This tells me that it could be good to make the target audience quite general, and therefore we are more likely to get more views of our video.

Image 8: There we see the keyboardist playing alone, this is non diagetic sound, as I cannot hear the keyboard in the video. However, this does not matter as it adds to the atmosphere in the video, and looks effective.

Image 9: The final image is the ending of the video. This is of the cast of the video dancing around the studio, it is effective as it interests the audience, and is a new idea..

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