Monday 14 October 2013

10. Biology by Girls Aloud textual analysis

This video has a similarity to the theme that we are going to try and create with our music video.
It has a set background that suits the style of music and dance, and the girls' personalities in the video.

Cinematography: Everything that the camera does; camera angles, positions, views and transitions. 
The cinematography in this video is well done, there is quite a lot of very small jump cut sections, for example when the girls change into different cloths. There are not to many different types of camera shot in this video, most of it is shot in a medium shot, with some close ups of the dancers, and a little bit of zooming in and out.

Editing: The process in which clips are cut and reorganised to form a narrative. 
Because the narrative in the lyrics is not connected to the video, partly because there is no narrative in the video, it means that the video could have scenes muddled up and intertwined. A very good example of this is between the timescale  3.10- 3.25 in the video.
To change the dancers' costumes there is a fade at 1.40-1.43. This is effective, as it is only the clothes that change, and not the background or anything else.

Mise en scene: Everything that is seen in the video, this includes, costume, props, makeup and set. 
In this video, all the colours match well together, there is a lot of black on black, pink on black, and pink on white. This counts for the costumes, backgrounds, and props as well. It is very effective, and has a princess like feel to it when watched. The set is cleverly done, as far as i can work out it is looks a bit like the picture i have drawn to the right. It has a rotating center that the girls walk onto that spins to the new coloured background that is needed. To make the video quite glamorous the girls are wearing expensive dresses, along with the props being shiny and expensive. For example the chandeliers in the black scene. 

Sound: Everything that is heard by the viewer of the music video.
Some of the singing in the clip is diegetic, it is mainly the chorus sections that are not, otherwise the girls' lips would be constantly moving to the same words.
There is no parallel sound in this clip, for example we can see the footsteps, but can not hear them.

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