Saturday 8 March 2014

Evalutation 4- Technology we used through out

Below is a list of all the different technological items that my group and I used for the making of the video, and some infromation to why I used each type.  The Nikon camera and the iPhone were best at capturing the slow motion bits, and the FujiFilm camera was most suitable for the under water filming. 
Adobe After Effects was perfect for the editing and seemed nicely compatible to link all our video footage up to.

Adobe After Effects:  This software was used as we already had it, and members of the group were confident at using it. It has all the effects that we could have needed plus more 

Samsung laptop NP300E5C: Used for parts of the editing. Able to handle many tabs open at once, as I have experienced.

Nikon 1: Though small, it is able to shoot in in 720p at 60fps. this made it really suitable for the timelapses, as it has to capture in really high quality. The cameras lens is also great at shooting in the dark, meaning the florescent dancing scene was capturable.

Iphone 5s: This phone was particularly useful due to it having a slow motion mode one it. This meant it was suitable for the filming of the bicycle slow motion bit.

Alienware: this laptop was perfect for the job of the more hard core editing. It has a very powerful i7 processor meaning it could cope with having all the film footage on it.

FujiFilm XP50: I used this camera for the underwater shot of the girl swimming. The camera was perfect for the job, though it was sometimes hard to get the lighting write as focusing under water can be tricky, specially as I kept floating to the surface, and I can not hold my breath long.
HP Pavilion dv6 Laptop
Used for the blogging and vlogging. It was also used for some bits of editing. This laptop can handle a lot. 
This is the blog website that I am using. It has been fantastic to use as well as simple and easy to publish on.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Evaluation 3, Audience feedback, Facebook feedback, and YouTube Views

I went around my boarding house at school and showed a few people my music video. The above video is of these people giving there feedback about it.

I also posted my video on Facebook and asked people to watch it and post there thoughts and feelings about it. below is the feedback I got. 

I have also had over 300 views on YouTube 
Below is the section on youtube where it has the stats

Thursday 20 February 2014

Evaluation 1 - Directors Commentary

This is a highly edited version of my music video where I speak about why I made certain choices in it while making it.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

5. Mock up of our advert

We have used the same fonts as we have used on our digipak, as well as showing our digipak front cover. This is so anybody viewing the magazine and wants the CD, knows what to look for.
The background image is one similar to a shot in our music video. I thought that this leaves the viewer with an open mind to what the music video is about.

4. Flat plan of advert

This is the the flat plan of the advert I am going to make. It would be suitable for a magazine and would have  the appropriate colours in it to suite our song. behind the writing there is a pair of boots warn by the mother of the character in our music video. I have put in a barcode as well as the production company Columbia. The reason I have put in a picture of the album artwork is so that anyone that wants to buy the CD, will know what to look for, and expect.

2. Copy an advert

 Below is a copy that I created of the Labrinth advert that I first found in a magazine. We have added the producer and barcode, as they were on the following page.